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A transition for everyone

Our vision is to help shape a sustainable world that is fair and inclusive

Our vision is to help shape a sustainable world that is fair and inclusive through the framework of the ‘just transition’. For a transition to be sustainable in the long run, no segments of society should be left behind.

HSBC verso l’azzeramento netto delle emissioni - investire in una transizione equa

Perhaps nowhere is this more pressing than in emerging markets, where economies that are more dependent on energy-intensive sectors risk being disadvantaged by the global fight to curb carbon emissions.

Accordingly, we are increasingly focused on ensuring that our goal to finance a sustainable future goes beyond pledges alone to real-world implementation and impact. We believe that targeting a net-zero future in this way depends on driving decarbonisation, not divestment. It’s about working with our clients to help advance change even in countries where the transition is not linear, or may take more time, due to the nature of their economies.

We recognise the importance of providing finance to those industries that might be the largest source of emissions today but will be critical in achieving net zero worldwide in the future – while providing services and products that are essential to support economic growth.

For instance, we can use our long experience and deep reach in emerging markets to encourage companies to identify impacted stakeholders and put in place a transition plan covering the production and use of energy.

Directing capital towards regions, sectors and activities is part of our role as asset managers, as is ensuring our clients’ investment objectives are achieved. We seek to create value while mitigating the risks to those populations that are more vulnerable to climate change. As an emerging-markets investor, we can direct capital towards regions, sectors and countries where climate will be most critical, and where innovation and value-generation opportunities are still developing.

We also see our role as helping to develop new and valuable asset classes that will play a critical role in net zero – namely, nature-based assets, and assets that remove carbon from the atmosphere. Such carbon-removal projects will have a myriad of positive impacts, such as supporting biodiversity. Our intention is to mitigate economic loss and damage by redirecting finance to emerging markets, as well as pursuing nature-based projects that aim to create a long-term supply of high-impact, high-quality carbon credits. These efforts ensure that our help goes beyond sustainability and towards resilience.

HSBC verso l’azzeramento netto delle emissioni - la prospettiva dell’engagement all’interno della transizione equa

The examples above highlight just some of the ways in which we aim to make a difference via our investment processes. By researching companies, and by speaking with their senior management, we can help clients participate in a just transition through investments that have a positive impact on local communities and underpin the growth of businesses.

Just transition - Investment perspective

Just transition - Investment perspective  

Just transition – Stewardship perspective

Just transition – Stewardship perspective

A just and inclusive transition - inforgraphic

A just and inclusive transition - infographic 


Leinformazioni presentate riguardano gli AUM e la politica globali di HSBCAsset Management. Anche se HSBC Global Asset Management (France) partecipaall’implementazione ed applica le politiche globali del Gruppo, i datipresentati e gli impegni citati non sono necessariamente legati direttamentea HSBC Asset Management (Francia).

Oggi, noi e numerosi nostri clienti contribuiscono in modosignificativo alle emissioni di gas a effetto serra. Implementiamo unastrategia Net Zero per ridurre le nostre emissioni ed aiutare i nostriclienti ad abbassare le loro emissioni.